Business Websites are in effect a virtual shop door to a business. So this being the case, businesses need to ensure that their Developed Website, is not seemingly giving either a wrong or poor impression?
Vast numbers of businesses would tend to agree, that for them having an Online Presence is pretty darn important. But it’s one thing to have an Online Presence i.e. appearing in Search Results, within Social Media Platforms etc. But it’s something which is quite different once that magic link to your Website is clicked.
Does the website they see and which is depicting your business, give the Right Impression? The Right Information? Fill the viewer with Confidence? Although we dare to use the word dodgy, does what they see look dodgy? Which can ultimately reflect on your business as being dodgy?
Now we don’t dare for one minute to say that is the case, the point we’re trying to get across is ‘DO YOU KNOW‘? If so either way and you’re happy with it, or you know you need to sort it, that’s all fine.
Business Websites don’t cost the earth
A must for Business Marketing not so long ago, Business Websites were looked upon as being something as being quite expensive. As well as something for which a high degree of technical knowledge would be required.
Whilst that still may be the case, ultimately it all depends on what is required. Such as Branding, Design, Development, Functionality, Link Building, SEO, Keyword Research and the list goes on. Some businesses seeking a Business Website will see the website of a well-known Brand Name and set their heart on having the very same website.
Now we all know, and if we don’t, we darn well should know. That never in a month of Sundays is that going to happen unless of course, they have the very same Website or Marketing Budget as the well-known Brand Name they wish to emulate.
First, a business will need to sort a few honest answers to a few honest questions as a basic starting point. From there it needs to be realistic as to what it can have in regards to what it can spend. What work it can do itself, such as Regular Content, Website Maintenance and so on. What level of results it expects to achieve.
There are a vast number of websites available which do not have cost the earth due to how Web Development has progressed. That said, nearly all Business Websites if run right will always cost, more notably in time and effort.
So if you’re a business who knows they need to sort a website, you’re half way there. All you have to do then is sort it …….funnily enough, that’s something we can do…!